Tuesday, December 29, 2009

How does God communicates with us???

God speaks to us through various mediums and it is directly proportionate to the area and level of our calling.He can speak to us directly to our spirit,through dreams,visions,prophecies,His word,people,events,situations that we face and even through angels. But does God only speak to us for every thing? Not necessarily. Based on the level of maturity in Him the bandwidth is either slow or fast.The faster the capacity the higher the download size. But one thing we need to keep in mind is that we are called to be placed in a family or community to where we need to be accountable to.

So God uses people around us to speak to us,correct us or guide us but one major thing we need to keep in mind is the speaking of God to us from our leaders. So we need to find a community that resonates with the calling that we have so that we might be able to be raised to become effective ministers of Christ and only God appointed leader or even leaders can prepare us to be that.We need to be relevant to the grace available from God especially the prophetic and an apostolic grace.

We need to submit to a leadership that can enlarge us and mature us to be the minister that God wants us to be. We need to be under the cloud-the right place to receive the right leadership and guidance so that we do relevant ministry which is pleasing to God-not just imitating ministries of others.

For example if we are called to be an apostle or a prophet but ends up being around evangelistic camps or pastoral leadership we will not be in a position to receive the best from God for our calling.Yes we might get the best of evangelistic or pastoral graces but in the absence of the impartation of the desired graces we can never fulfill our calling.

We will never realize the potential which God has placed over our lives. We may die being a good christian but would have failed in being effective before God. We would fall under the category of the pronouncement made by Jesus- "I never knew you. Depart from me you workers of lawlessness.....".

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