Friday, November 21, 2008

The last emerging Nation on earth

God has always had a plan of manifesting His Kingdom on earth. When He called Abraham He had a kingdom in mind,a kingdom of Israel that would represent Him on earth but when that failed He passed it on to the gentiles.At this hour in history the kingdom of God is coming to its climax on earth.God is building a kingdom that will literally POP out from the spiritual to the natural.He is preparing a group of people that will execute what is in His heart for this hour-a people that will create systems in the natural that will function with the the operating system of the invisible realm,a system that will combine the technology of both the spiritual and the physical world.Mind you kingdom people has an access to both the physical and the spiritual but Babylon cannot access what is in the spiritual.They can get all the education they want but not like the privilege kingdom people have of both the worlds.
Jesus is showing His side of face that the world has never seen-that He is not just a Healer & a Saviour. He is the management Guru,the Scientist,the Innovator and Creator,the Mathematician,the Artist,the Economist,the Author,the Originator of all things of both the unseen and the seen.He is invading all sectors,domains,systems & bringing an impact that will shake everything.And anything that does not have the foundation of the Kingdom will be torn down-be it the financial system,the political systems,the economic systems,the religious systems,social systems or any prevailing systems.
So who is going to be the change agent to accomplish these things-the Evangelistic?the Pentecostal?the charismatics?the Faith Movements?Spirit filled Born again believers? or even the prophetic & the apostolic? This is going to a big let down for most of us but the truth is it requires both the prophetic & the apostolic grace but goes beyond that to being found ready,prepared & worthy of the calling to which He has called us. Please refer to my last post on "Ministry is not a copy of things on earth" to understand if we are fit.More...

Fruitfulness must extend to the nations.

God wants us to have everything that the gentiles have too. The only difference is in the focus and priority shift.The gentiles run after food, drink and clothing which is equal to running after money. So when Jesus says 'ALL THESE THINGS' will be added unto you, isn’t 'ALL THESE THINGS' equal to money. Remember we need money to buy the food, drinks and clothes. God wants us to focus on the spiritual first as that is what we are.

When Jesus was saying,’ Seek ye first the kingdom of God” He is not telling us go on a wild goose chase. We only search or run after things that we can find.So the kingdom of God is a matter of now and not for ‘after dead experience’. Jesus commands us to seek righteousness right here on earth and that is a prerequisite,so is also the seeking of the kingdom of God a prerequisite first for our personal lives and then for it to impact the world around us.
The kingdom of God is like a package with everything that we need within it.Its like a website with different features and products that can be downloaded and bought. Its like a cleansing device or system that wants to purify everything that is not clean. Whatever area we surrender to God comes under His dominion and jurisdiction.And His righteousness works out His nature and character within us. So with Him within us there is nothing that can stop wealth to be transferred into our hands.

When the kingdom of God and His righteousness begins to fill us its hard not to predict that it will eventually affect our family life, workplace, social life and the systems around us. To be fruitful is what He created us for primarily. His first commandment to Adam was to be fruitful that is to is to be able to reproduce the Godlikeness and image and to inhabit the earth with Godlike race and so also was Jesus’ command to immerse the nations with the character of the Father and the ministries, the Son(5 fold gifts) and the Holy Ghost and His gifts. We need to have the Joseph dimension of allowing our branches to spread across the wall.

Ministry is not a copy of things on earth.

God has a wonderful plan for all of us.But there is a whole lot of logistics involved in carrying out the agenda of God on earth.We cant blindly imitate the ministries around us if we want to be rewarded in heaven for our work here on earth.So lets examine some critical elements that will allow us to be effective.

1.Identify your calling/grace/ministry that you are called to do.
Know what you are called to do and the office you are supposed to assume.
2.Identify the domain,sector or people you are called to cater to.
Know where to release your grace & the area of operation you need to get involved in.
3.Understand your preparation period and cooperate with God to hasten it.
Allow Him to transform your character to become the person who can be trusted.
4.Learn to identify God's timing of release for your work.
Know seasons(kairoses) in your life and also the global season of God for the hour.
5.Identify the people you are called to connect with.
Choose your people carefully and also the overseer God sends in your life.
6.Choose your strategies based on His timing and never IMITATE other ministries.
God's strategies always change with each generation so be innovative & don't get stucked.
7.Always remember who is it that you are serving and the source of your success.
Never steal God's glory for yourself.Acknowledge Him in all your ways.

It's always been God's nature and glory to hide deep secrets from people undeserving and its our privilege to unlock it. But God wants us to depend on Him and understand that He is our source. So we need to learn to use the Kingdom technology of ASK:
ASK-is the petition of our MOUTH for everything that we need to fulfill His will.
SEEK-is the searching with our EYES for people,our domain and strategies.
KNOCK-is the conquest with our FEET of domains,glory and wealth for the Kingdom.

Lets follow the footstep of our Master in doing what the Father does. Amen.

Troubletime ahead in Babylon....

If we look at the world around us and keep tab of the current global trend we can feel fear enveloping the entire race of humanity on this planet. We see global giant companies sinking into oblivion and nations distress by the global meltdown of the economies. We even see sworn rival companies tie up for survival and companies laying of their staffs in thousands. There is insecurity,fear of the unknown and helplessness among the people. However inspite of all these events there is a group of company who are not troubled by these happenings as they can see the hand of the Almighty behind it.

It has already been foretold thousand of years before our time by prophets of old. To prophet Isaiah 60:2 it was foretold," For,behold,the darkness shall cover the earth,and gross darkness the people:but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. To prophet Daniel it was also foretold in Dan11:42(b) but the people that do know their God shall be strong and do great exploits.

These are the days for us to be running against the current global tide and do great exploits for the kingdom. For His kingdom shall increase in the earth till it overcomes all other kingdoms. In Isa2:2 it says that the house of Jacob will be on top of all the other mountains and many will turn their eyes to the government of our God on earth. The kingdom of our God will manifest strongly and becomes tangible, penetrating all societies,sectors and systems of global operations and replaces it with it's system.

We should strive to remain in the realm of the Holy of Holies because the outer court is going to be given to the gentiles to tread and abuse. Many of our fellow brethren in Christ will suffer from global persecution and injustice. Its no longer time to give suckling to young ones its time to be like the army describe in the book of Joel. Stealth,precision and fatal destruction to the enemy's camp should be our way of operation and strategy at an hour like this. More of it in the nest post....

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Human life is like a building construction. We exhibit different personalities and characters. But we need to differentiate the two if we are to integrate the two. Sound confusing! Well let me explain. Character is like the foundation to the construction of a building called life. If there is no foundation you cant guarantee if the building will last long the higher it rises.

Personality can be compared to the building itself which is being constructed and is visible to all. One can decorate the building’s exterior and interior with gold plating however what good is a gold plated building if it wont stand when a small tremor hits the area. Of course the investment will be worth if proper care has been made in the laying of the foundation.

One never knows when one is duped. You might consider buying a flat in a gold plated building because of what you see but what you don’t see can leave you in heavy loss. Human beings tend to take actions based on what they see and that’s where many tend to make mistakes. We have sight but tend to lack insight. A charming personality can easily market themselves so is a gold plated building. There are many training institutes in the country itself whose job is to sell gold plated building and give cosmetic made up professionals whose only focused is to charm their ways through the interviews.

Personality makes the first impression while character makes a lasting impression. Personality comes as and when required but character is displayed in all seasons whether good or bad. Personality is what one wants to project to others; character is what you are and what you choose to have. We need both but projected image must match with what you are inside. A gold plated flat marketed should equally have a strong foundation and a pleasant personality sold should match with the character you are inside.

To clients out there!!!

In working with me I can assure of the transference of a sense of purpose returning to your life, understanding your God given potential, gifts and calling and a sense self worth and fulfilment. Effectiveness is more important than efficiency and purpose is more important than process in my training. Vision is more important than goal setting and time management tools. What is the use of goal setting and best time management tools if I am imprisoned in a world of self limitation and boundary. Its like living in a prison all my life using the best practices and tools although I could do a lot better outside with the same tools and practices.

In attending my seminars you will gain:

  • A sense of self worth and identity returning to you( of who you really are)
  • A sense of higher purpose(Why you are here)
  • A sense of direction (and where you are headed)
  • A greater sense of sight, insight and foresight ( mindset, skillset, toolset of getting to your destiny)

In my seminar I focused more on the rebuilding and realignment of the internal structure of human psyche and character. I am not interested in giving you a cosmetic make over and a hypocritical fake personality while your internal being still remains flawed and skewed.

To me what you do is not really my priority my concern is of who you are. How do you perceive yourself, how do you perceive your work, your peers, boss, subordinates because out of your perception or inner reality of your own world you will demonstrate behaviours which might be of positive or negative consequences.

I have a lot of training programmes I have been conducting and can conduct. I have products for BPOs,IT sector and non IT sectors as well.

Here are a list of training programmes I've conducted for BPOs

  1. Phonetics and accent neutralization,
  2. Spoken English,
  3. Telephone Etiquette,
  4. Customer Service,
  5. Cultural Sensitization and
  6. Sales Training.

IT sectors:

  1. How to handle and cope with change, adaptability and flexibility.
  2. Cultural sensitization
  3. Time management
  4. How to be an effective team player
  5. Presentation skills
  6. How to conduct meetings and conference calls
  7. Business writing etiquette
  8. Grooming and personal etiquette.

All sectors:

  1. Foundation to leadership course
  2. How to build relationships that build trust
  3. How to be a leader that everyone respects and loves.
  4. How to be a powerful communicator?
  5. How to handle and minimize stress at work and home?
  6. How to build a team that performs and celebrates?
  7. How to build right self esteem and confidence?
  8. Course on Understanding Self, others and managing emotions and relationships.
  9. Creating a powerful winning mindset and habits.
  10. Be Emotionally Intelligent savvy.
  11. Basic NLP awareness programme.

Become the person you were meant to be.

Activating destiny,calling and your abilities.


Best Regards,
Romeo Haokip
Mobile No: +919986149749
NLP Certified Trainer(NFNLP)USA
MBTI Accredited Practitioner,
Asianic Psychologists Press India.
"Coaching you form a mission achieving perceptions,language and habits"