Tuesday, December 29, 2009

True Christmas is Word becoming Flesh!

There is a huge facade enveloping Christmas to this present generation. Looks like its all about shopping, new dresses, exchange of gifts,Santa Claus,Carols and what not. The world has failed to see the real Jesus because the church itself is lost in the Babylonian maze and are becoming more and more like the world and not like their Creator.

If u see the events surrounding the birth of Jesus...it was literally a clash of kingdoms between darkness and light. There was an attempt on the child Jesus's life but prophetic intelligence from heaven saved the Child from the great massacre. Even today their is an attempt by the forces of darkness to abort the manchild-the church that will rule with iron rod and mete out justice to the nations.

Christmas is about word becoming flesh.Unless we let the word of God become flesh in us we are still children and babes. We should stop being satisfied by just knowing the word of God and knowing how to preach or being full of present truths and revelation. We need to enter a new threshhold of present truth=to lifestyle,not just revelation in our heads.

Jesus is in heaven at the right hand of the Father and if we are to see His will come to pass we need to position ourselves in the callings God has placed us in. We need to live out the Christos dimension through our lives through the power of the Holy Spirit.

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